AmigaOS3.5 (279/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:9 May 2000 at 00:42:22
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 Suggestions/Bugs

On 07-May-00 at 08:25:16, David Oakes wrote these words of wisdom:
> bcarpign said to amigaOS3_5:
> (Sorry, only responding to the ones I know something about - this
> appeared very poorly formatted)

Yup it was badly formatted here too.


>> Suggestions:
>> 10. Improve CrossDos so that it can recognize Windows 95/98 long
>> filenames!
> This has been done. Buy the commercial version of CrossDOS and you'll
> get Windows 9x long filename support. Consultron have a right to keep
> the latest version commercial and only license an older version for
> the OS.

CrossDOS Gold 7 is great. It is a worthy product to buy. I bought 6.0 then
upgraded to 7.0 shortly after its release. Having long filenames is great
when you use PC format media (diskettes/Zip disks here).

>> 12. Include a datatype for html--something that is simple,
>> so that a flow-blown web browser isn't necessary.
> There is an html datatype out there (whether it works well or not is a
> matter of opinion, personally I've just got an html filetype with Opus
> Magellan and don't mind waiting a couple of seconds for IBrowse to
> start and load the .html file). Why make yet another one?

That old datatype doesn't support much HTML and is not very stable sometimes.
FWIW the guy who writes the offline HTML reader "SimpleHTML" says in the
readme that his future plans include an HTML datatype. I agree that a good
HTML datatype would be a nice addition to th OS (possibly through the 3rd
party contributions directory?). I hope they improve and extend the
capabilities of the datatypes system as was mentioned here a few monthes

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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